A beautiful sunset cascades over the secret garden. Pink flowers bloom from every nook and cranny. What was once a busy railroad is now a peaceful sanctuary for those lucky enough to stumble upon its beauty. Bees buzz as the collect sweet nectar from each blossom. Birds chirp about through the branches and vines, caring for their new spring hatchlings. You stumble upon a small tunnel that continues further into the garden where more secrets are waiting to be discovered.
The Inspiration Behind The Art
As soon as I saw the image of this beautiful abandoned railroad I knew I wanted to re-create it as a secret garden, but with more color. It’s spring time so what better color pallet to use than pinks, oranges, and slight yellows. And let’s not forget that beautiful green.
I kept the point of sight the same as the original image. I also tweaked the amount of trees surrounding the railroad, thinning them out just a tad. You can also see that the tunnel continues further into the garden. I wanted to keep this element in the re-creation as it adds depth. To me, depth equals pondering. It makes you think, I wonder what goes further down the tunnel?
Be sure to check out this piece and other pieces on my Instagram. There you can also find behind some behind the scenes of some of my pieces.